We are pleased to announce details of four Keynote Speakers for ISTS41:

Hector Barrios-Garrido - Evolution of sea turtle community-based conservation in Latin America and the Caribbean
Hector is a biologist and marine turtle expert (with 25 years of experience). He is interested in identifying and evaluating the challenges and impacts of anthropogenic pressures on threatened marine megafauna species, and the potential mechanisms to reduce these impacts. Hector’s main interests lie within the broad field of Marine Conservation; with special emphasis in informing environmental decisions and to improve our understanding of the interactions among aquatic species, their habitats, and human societies. Hector had applied multidisciplinary approaches, ranging from advanced fishery assessments (multiple species) to human dimensions of wildlife, and socio-economic drives that affect conservation status of threatened species. He participated in the formation of a NGO in Venezuela to increase the awareness of the marine turtle situation in the Gulf of Venezuela among Wayuu Indigenous communities, and now he is considered as part of their families.

Brad Nahill - Fundraising for Sea Turtle Conservation: Ideas, Advice, & Opportunities
Brad is the Co-Founder & President of SEE Turtles, which has worked to support conservation efforts around the world since 2008. Brad is the editor and lead writer of Sea Turtle Research and Conservation: Lessons From The Field by Elsevier Press (2020) and a co-author of the Worldwide Travel Guide to Sea Turtles (2014). He is a National Geographic Explorer, was awarded the President’s Award for his work as the chair of the Awards Committee of the International Sea Turtle Society. Brad has a BS in Environmental Economics from Penn State University and has taught ecotourism at Mount Hood Community College. SEE Turtles has received the prestigious Changemakers Award from the World Travel and Tourism Council in 2019 and the Skal Sustainable Travel Award and was recently a finalist in the Go Blue Awards from the Loggerhead Marine Life Center.

Luis Germán Naranjo - Together possible: an example of public-private alliance for sea turtle conservation
Luis Germán is a Marine Biologist and Ornithologist who holds a MSc in Animal Ecology and a PhD in Evolutionary Ecology. He was a Professor and researcher at the Valle University in Cali, Colombia for 17 years, before starting his long environmental career. He worked as Director of International Programs for the American Bird Conservancy during a couple of years and since 2001 works as Conservation Director for WWF Colombia. Luis is author of more than 150 scientific papers and books and is an active spokesperson for environmental issues in social networks. In 2018 was elected as corresponding member of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physic and Natural Sciences in recognition of his professional trajectory.

Roderic Mast - SWOT - From Local to Global, and Back Again
Roderic Mast is Oceanic Society’s President and CEO. He is a lifelong nature conservationist who got his start as a sea turtle researcher in Georgia (USA), Rancho Nuevo (Mexico), and the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador). He has published several chapters, books, articles, and field guides on topics relating to global-scale sea turtle and biodiversity conservation. Rod is a former President of the ISTS (Costa Rica, 2004); co-founder of the State of the World’s Sea Turtles (SWOT) Program, and co-chair of the IUCN-SSC Marine Turtle Specialist Group. He is an avid lover of nature, travel, sea turtles, and sea turtle people.